Marconi is a simple HyperCard based Newsgroup Off-Line Reader. This is the first version and in the future there will be other version if people write to me suggestion, impression, opinion on Marconi.
I am a student and Marconi is a Challenge for me, a challenge to create a simple, easy to use and cheap newsreader.
Marconi has no limit in UNREGISTERED version, you should only wait 10 seconds every time you use it and it write, at the end of every news, that you are using an unregistered version.
I hope you agree Marconi, and that it may be a simple way to connecting-people.
It requires HyperCard player v2.2 with 2048K or RAM
In Marconi Folder there are:
Stack Folder: Which contains Marconi in HyperCard Stack format, both in 544*356 and 608*436 pixel.
Stand Alone Folder: Which contains Marconi in Stand Alone Application format in 608*436 pixel.
All the documentation about Marconi is on Balloon Help, and in the following files:
1) Guide to Fetch Newsgroup Step by Step.
2) Guide to Write a News Step by Step.
3) Marconi F.A.Q.
With this two file you will be able to use Marconi a 100%.
REGISTRATION FEE INFO file close the list of file included with Marconi DOC.
Special credits and all my gratitude to:
• Roberto PEZZILE for his betatestig.
• Stefan KURTH for his help to understand rfc 1036 rules.
If you want to write to me these are my addresses: